Tuesday, June 2, 2015

fencing materials

For the fencing materials:
For the top part, we used 6' tall deer fencing.  We considered using chicken wire or something until I saw were someone posted their cat got out with the wire, and upon changing to deer fencing their cat could no longer get out.  Something about the flexibility?
The holes in the deer fencing are approximately 2"x 2"

At the bottom I read where rabbits would chew thru the deer netting, which makes sense, and we live in rabbit central, so we decided to put 3' of chicken wire.
At the bottom of the chicken wire we let some hang on the ground and put rocks on the chicken wire.  Natasha cat quickly figured out scooting under the fence, so I got some landscape staples that were 6" long.  She seems contained.... for now.

I used 8" zip ties that were 50lb test to attach all the fencing to the PVC pipe.
I used small 3" and 4" zip ties to attach the netting to itself and where the deer fencing meets the chicken wire.  

1 comment:

  1. the site both staff and site visitors. The last thing you want is to have the additional headache of worrying about whether someone is going to wander into a no-go area and get hurt.
    privacy fence estimate
