Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Cat Fence overview

We moved from shy 4 acres in Washington, to a neighborhood in Montana with small yards.  The commute to work was well over an hour in Washington and now it's only 5 minutes, which is wonderful for the humans in the family.  But our two little black panthers could no longer go outside.  Many a temper tantrum flared now that they had gone from the extreme of being born feral cats, to living in the city and being cooped up indoors.  What to do?  Kim found a website where a gentleman had rigged up a cat fence with PVC pipe and netting and best of all, no kitty cat escapes! His video can be seen here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmK4HdhAHzk
If you search on the web, you can see the progression of kitty escapes others have undergone that led to this model.

Kim in all her ingenuity, recreated it to fit our yard, and the black panthers love it!

We decided to start small and just make it so they do not escape out the side door.  We may revise this later?  The fenced area is approximately 25'x30'.

Below is a video of the 1st escape attempt, and an overview of the fenced area.

Below is the 2nd escape attempt.

Both Natasha and Louis seemed to like to get on the post tops of the wood fence...  oops

Looks like Natasha is trying to figure out how to get over the fence...

Nobody has sat upon the wood fence posts once I stapled some deer fencing up.

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